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中国园艺学会球根花卉分会第二届理事会 2010-2011 年度总结·················(2)
中国球根花卉的坏消息和好消息 ·······························································(3)
第 三 届 国 际 百 合 属 研 讨 会 及 第 十 一 届 国 际 球 根 和 宿 根 花 卉 研 讨 会 通
2012 年球根及多年生草本花卉国际研讨会会议议程··································(4)
中国园艺学会球根花卉分会 2012 年工作总结及 2013 年工作计划············(10)
中国球根花卉 2013 年会第一轮通知(征稿启事)·········································(10)
中国球根花卉 2013 年会办会方案·····························································(13)
中国球根花卉 2013 年会第二轮(会议)通知···········································(15)
2010-2011 年度总结
一、主办中国球根花卉 2011 年会
1、办会方案 2011 年 1 月 11 日,在中国农科院蔬菜花卉所召开在京理事
会,主要研究了中国球根花卉 2011 西安年会的方案,就承办单位、时间、会议、
2、第一轮(征稿)通知 2011 年 1 月,刘青林秘书长拟中国球根花卉 2011
3、现场考察 2011 年 7 月 4 日~5 日,中国园艺学会球根花卉分会会长穆鼎,
副会长夏宜平、汤青川,秘书长刘青林专程赴西安参加了中国球根花卉 2011 年
会筹备会议,详细讨论了 2011 年会的地点、议程、会务费、资料袋、礼品等各
4、第二轮(会议)通知 2011 年 7 月拟第二轮会议通知,包括会议主题、
5、编印《中国球根花卉研究进展 2011》 2011 年 7~9 月,由义鸣放副会长、
负责交付陕西科技出版社正式出版《中国球根花卉研究进展 2011》。
6、第三轮(议程)通知 2011 年 9 拟第三轮会议通知,确认会期和报告题
7、发放调查表 2010 年 11 月初到 2011 年 4 月,进行了中国球根花卉企业
调查,调查数据以 2009~2010 生产年度为主,调查对象为从事球根花卉生产的企
8、收回调查表 至 2011 年 5 月共收回黑龙江、吉林、北京、河南、上海、
江苏、江西、广东、云南、四川、甘肃、新疆等 12 省市的 66 份调查表。
9、数据整理与发表 2011 年 6 月整理数据后,写成中国球根花卉企业生产
现状与发展,并发表在《中国球根花卉研究进展 2011》。
10、2010 年 12 月,编印《中国球根花卉通讯》第 3 期;2011 年 6 月,编印
《中国球根花卉通讯》第 4 期,并 email 寄发给各位参会代表。
并上传《Lily Picture Book》(由于文件太大,有需要可邮箱发送)及The Global
Flower Bulb Industry等资料。
2011 年 10 月 6 日
原定于今年 9 月在兰州召开的 2012 年中国球根花卉年会因故取消,请各位谅解。
第三届国际百合属研讨会将于 2014 年 4 月 2 号—5 号在中国福建漳州举行,第十二届
国际球根和宿根花卉研 讨会将于 2016 年在中国昆明举行。
Dear Participants of the 2nd IS on Genus Lilium and 11th IS on Flower
Bulbs and Herbaceous Perennials, We are pleased to inform you the 3rd
Lilium Symposium in 2014, April 2-5 in Zhangzhou (Fuijan) in China and
the 12th IS on Flower Bulbs and Herbaceous Perennials in Kunming in
China in 2016 have been approved by ISHS Executive Committee.
Once more we would like to take this opportunity to thank Prof. Dr. Mu
Ding and Dr. Jaap van Tuyl for their commitment to be conveners of the
symposia, and we look forward to seeing all of you in China in 2014 and
Kind regards
Rina Kamenetsky, chair of WG Flower Bulbs and Herbaceous Perennials
Margrethe Serek, chair of Section Ornamental Plants, ISHS
2014年4月2号—5号在中国福建漳州举行,第十二届国际球根和宿根花卉研 讨会将于2016
在此,我们想再次感谢穆鼎教授和Jaap van Tuyl 教授作为研讨会的召集人,我们期
Rina Kamenetsky, 球根与宿根花卉工作组组长
Margrethe Serek, 观赏植物专业委员会主席
2012 年球根及多年生草本花卉国际研讨会会议议程
2012 年球根及多年生草本花卉国际研讨会
Ⅺ International Symposium on Flower Bulbs and Herbaceous Perennials
(28 March-01 April,2012 Rixos Downtown Hotel Antalya-TURKEY)
Scientific Programme
DAY 1- March 28th, 2012
08.00-10.00 Registration of Participants (RİXOS Downtown Hotel (Lobby)
10.00-12.00 Opening Session
12.00-13.00 Invited Speaker: Neriman Özhatay
'Geophytes of Petaloid Monocots Added to the Turkish Flora in the Past Decade’
13.00-14.00 Lunch Break
Hall-A Session I Chairman: Tuna Ekim Hall-B Session II Chairman: Sebahattin Özcan
14.00-14.15 The Usage of Ornamental Parisa Aliasghari 14.00-14.15 In Vitro Micro S. Özcan,C. Karaoğlu, D.
Plants in Iznik Tiles Khabbazi, Propagation of Endemic Gürlek, D.
Murat Ertuğrul and Endangered Flower Doğan-Kalyoncu,
Yazgan Bulbs of Turkey İ. Parmaksız, A. İpek,
S. Mirici, S. Çöçü,
E.O. Sarıhan, A.
C. Sancak, S. Uranbey, B.
N. Arslan
14.15-14.30 Fire Flower Tulip in the Deniz Ilgaz 14.15-14.30 A Morfological Research Burçin Çıngay
Ottoman World on Plant Culture Process Banu Altınay
of Some Mediterranean
Colchicum L. Species
Growing in the Nezahat
Gökyiğit Botanic Garden
(İstanbul / Türkiye)
14.30-14.45 The Effect of Flower Bulbs Nexhat Balaj, 14.30-14.45 Effects of Mycorrhizal M. E. Özzambak,
in the Urban Landscape Llazar Haxhinasto, Fungi Applications at S. Başer,
Architecture-Tulipa x Isuf Lushi Different Growing E. Zeybekoğlu,
Hybrida and Gladiolus Substrate on Growth of M. E. Irget, S. Kazaz
Cultivars Cyclamen Hederifolium
14.45-15.00 Utilisation of Autonoe M.J.O. Dragovic 14.45-15.00 Genetic Engineering of Pejman Azadi,
Madeirensis (Menezes) Lilium Masahiro Mii
Speta as an Ornamental
15.00-15.15 Status and Prospect of Lili Yuan,袁丽丽 15.00-15.15 Culture Four Ornamental Yike Gao,
Flower Bulb Industries in Qinglin Liu 刘青林 Fritillaries in China Yujing Zhang,
China Qixiang Zhang 张启翔
15.15-15.35 Discussion 15.15-15.35 Discussion
15.35-15.55 Refreshment Break 15.35-15.55 Refreshment Break
15.55-17.00 Poster Presentation 15.55-17.00 Poster Presentation
DAY 2- March 29th, 2012
Hall-A Session III Chairman: Semra Mirici Hall-B Session IV Chairman: William B. Miller
09.00-09.15 Use of Plant in Ottoman Filiz Çetinkaya 09.00-09.15 Status of Lily Production Mu Ding,穆鼎
Ornamentation Art Karafaki, and Researches in Liu Chun,刘春
Murat Ertuğrul Mainland China Xia Yiping, 夏宜平
Yazgan Zhang Yixian
09.15-09.30 Perennial Design in Public Sonja 09.15-09.30 Establishing Ornamental Cuilian Fang, Binghua Li,
Open Space in Lower Schwingesbauer, Flower Meadow With Yike Gao 高亦珂
Austria Sabine Plenk Bulb and Perennial by
Sowing in North China
09.30-09.45 Usage Areas of Acanthus Taner Korkut 09.30-09.45 Plant Hormone Levels H. Gude,
Plant in Ancient Times as Indicators of Flower T. Charnikhova
Bulb Quality
09.45-10.00 The Usage Potentials of Doganay Yayım 09.45-10.00 Effects of Flurprimidol, Polyxeni M. Filios, William
Herbaceous Flora of Yener Paclobutrazol and B. Miller
Istanbul in the Landscape Uniconazole Drenches
Designs on Eucomis Comosa
10.00-10.20 Discussion 10.00-10.20 Discussion
10.20-10.40 Refreshment Break 10.20-10.40 Refreshment Break
Hall-A Session V Chairman: Yike Gao Hall-B Session VI Chairman: Jaap van Tuyl
10.40-10.55 Latitudinal Variation of N. Mojtahedi, 10.40-10.55 Biology and Production Rina Kamenetsky
Bulb Dormancy and Early J. Masuda, of Herbaceous
Flowering Ability in Lilium M. Hiramatsu, Perennials Crops in
longiflorum and Lilium H. Okubo Mediterranean Climate
Formosanum Populations
of the Ryukyu Archipelago
and Taiwan
10.55-11.10 Factors Affecting Growth J. Treder, 10.55-11.10 A High Efficiency Mengli Xi, 席梦利
and Development of A. Borkowska, Regeneration System of Shuai Qiu,
Daylilies During E. Gabryszewska Oriental Lily Cultivar for Jisen Shi 施季森
Microcuttings Transgenic Manipulation
11.10-11.25 Flowering Control of S. Fukai, Y. Monden, 11.10-11.25 Transformation of Qing Liu,刘青
Colchicum Capense Subs. T. Narumi, Antisense Lfmads1 in Qinglin Liu 刘青林
Ciliolatum E. Kodaira Lilium × Formolongi
‘Raib Agrobacterium
11.25-11.40 The Behavior of Some M. Cantor, 11.25-11.40 Parent Selection and Cheng Fang-yun,成仿云
Narcissus Cultivars in E. Buta Compatibility Analyses Zhong Yuan
Transylvania Region, to Breed Intersectional
Romania Hybrids in Paeonia
11.40-12.00 Discussion 11.40-12.00 Discussion
12.00-14.00 Lunch Break 12.00-14.00 Lunch Break
Hall-A Session VII Chairman: Jeung Keun Suh Hall-B Session VIII Chairman: Adil Güner
14.00-14.15 Crossing Between Lilium Jie Li, 14.00-14.15 Influence of Storage Paul J. van Leeuwen
asiatic Hybrids and Four Yike Gao 高亦珂 Temperature on John P.T. Trompert
Wild Species of North Flowering of Eucomis
China L’Hér
14.15-14.30 Visual Marker Instead of Ye Wang, 14.15-14.30 Quality-Improvement Johannes Ballas, Johann
Antibiotic in Garden Shaochuan Shi, and Adaptation of Vollmann, Gerald
Chrysanthemum Jie Li,Yike Gao 高亦 Breeding-Methodology Schinagl, Gerhard Wirth,
Transformation of Dahlia Variabilis L. Ziya Yildiz
14.30-14.45 The Inheritance Patterns of Ming-Fang Zhang, 14.30-14.45 Floral Scent as a New Danilo Aros
Some Traits Among F1 Xue Yu, Attribute for Hilary Rogers
Population (FO/FA) Chi Wei, Shuang Alstroemeria: Evaluation
Yang, Gui-Xia Jia 贾 of New Fragrant Lines of
桂霞 A. Caryophyllaea
14.45-15.00 Studies of Asexual Le Chang 常乐, 14.45-15.00 DNA Taxonomy of The N. Friesen,
Propagation and Yiping Xia 夏宜平, Genus Galanthus L. Marina Mosulischvili,
Transcriptome Background Jingjue Chen, (Amaryllidaceae) and Zurab Manvelidze,
of Bulb Development in Yumian Xiao, Species Identification Ibrahim Baktir
Lycoris Spp. Linfang She
15.00-15.20 Discussion 15.00-15.20 Discussion
15.20-15.40 Refreshment Break 15.20-15.40 Refreshment Break
15.40-17.00 Poster Presentation 15.40-17.00 Poster Presentation
DAY 3- March 30th, 2012
Hall-A Session IX Chairman: Rina Kamenetsky Hall-B Session X Chairman: William B. Miller
09.00-09.15 Genotyping and Mapping Arwa Shahin, Alex 09.00-09.15 Iranian Native M.B. Rezaee,
of SNP Markers in Lilium van Silfhout, Francel Geophytes and The K. Jaimand
Verstappen, Tatsiana Effects of Cultivation A.N. Ashtiany,
Charnikhova, Harro Condition and Storage A. Rahimi
Bouwmeester, Jaap on Crocin Content of
van Tuyl, Richard Dried Stigma in Saffron
Visser, Paul Arens (Crocus Sativus L.)
09.15-09.30 Tuliposides and Tulipalins A. Lubbe, 09.15-09.30 Respiration of Flower William B. Miller, Martijn
in Tulip Gum R. Verrpoorte, Bulbs: Influence of Pepping, Wanxiang Lu,
H. Gude, Ethylene, Temperature, Gerardo Suazo
M. Dijkema Wounding and Bulb
09.30-09.45 GISH Investigation of Songlin Xie, Munikote 09.30-09.45 Growth and Flower Majid Talebi
Crossover During Meiosis S. Ramanna, Properties of Gazania Ebrahim Hadavi
of Interspecific Hybrids of Paul Arens, (Gazania rigens L.) as
Lily Jaap M. Van Tuyl Affected by Foliar
Sprays of Citric Acid and
Malic Acid
09.45-10.00 Biolistic and Soo Jung Hyun, 09.45-10.00 Gibberellic Acid and A.C.R Pinto, A.C.
Agrobacterium-Mediated Kyo Won Park, Benzyladenine Pulse on Fernandes, G. Madaleno,
Transformation of Oriental Hyung Kyung Lee, Postharvest Longevity of D.M.M. Santos,
Lilies with Genes of Byung Joon Ahn Cut Foliage of Calathea J.C.Barbosa
Herbicide Tolerance and Zebrine
Flower Pigment Genes
and Their Expression
10.00-10.20 Discussion 10.00-10.20 Discussion
10.20-10.40 Refreshment Break 10.20-10.40 Refreshment Break
Hall-A Session XI Chairman: Neriman Özhatay Hall-B Session XII Chairman: Dariusz Sochacki
10.40-10.55 Confirmation of Hybrid Ae Kyung Lee, 10.40-10.55 Brief Exposures to A.I. Darras
Origin Using Molecular Jeong Hong Ultraviolet-C (UV-C)
Markers and Irradiation Improve
Micropropagation of Flowering of Various
Cyrtanthus Hybrids Ornamental Plants
10.55-11.10 Species of Convolvulus L. Candan Aykurt 10.55-11.10 Breeding Ruellia and R. Freyre
(Convolvulaceae) Endemic Caladium at the Z. Deng
to Turkey University of Florida
11.10-11.25 Molecular Variability of Lily Jeung Keun Suh, 11.10-11.25 Genetic Evidence of Yuki Mizunoe, Michikazu
Virus Isolates from Korea Yong Tae Jung Hybridization and Hiramatsu, Hiroshi Okubo
Introgression Between
Geographically Distant
Populations of
Endangered Lily Species
Lilium Speciosum
11.25-11.40 Diversity of Geophytes and Mehrab 11.25-11.40 Involvement of Z. Kerem, A. Golan,
Their Characteristics of Aghaalinejad, Polyphenolic T. Luzzatto,
Sulduz Region, West Amir Rahimi, Compounds in M. Yishay,
Azerbaijan Province, Iran, Neşet Arslan Resistance of I. Yedidia
Bordering Turkey and Iraq Ornithogalum Breeding
Lines to Pectobacterium
11.40-12.00 Discussion 11.40-12.00 Discussion
12.30- Conference Tour (Free of Charge)
Düden Waterfall (Lunch), Perge Antic City, Aspendos Theater
DAY 4 - March 31st, 2012
Hall-A Session XIII Chairman: Ekrem Sezik Hall-B Session XIV Chairman: Margrethe Serek
09.00-09.30 Turkish Orchids and Their Ekrem Sezik 9.00-09.30 The Role of Jaap van Tuyl
Destruction for Salep Polyploidization in the
Breeding of Bulbous
09.30-09.45 Reduction of Biotic and D. Hershkovits 09.30-09.45 Bulb Tissue Fang Du 杜方
Abiotic Stress to Improve Cold-Tolerance
Quality and Reduce Sensitivity Differences in
Pathogen Damage During Lilium Longiflorum
Storage of Ornithogalum ‘Nellie White’ and L.
Dubium Bulbs Formosanum
09.45-10.00 Critically Endangered (CR) I. Gökhan Deniz 09.45-10.00 Controlling Tulip Stem M.F.N. van Dam
Orchid Species of Antalya Nematodes in Tulip
Province of Turkey Bulbs by a Hot Water
10.00-10.15 Identification of Viruses in Gary A 10.00-10.15 7 New Taxa of Crocus Feyza Candan
Small-Farm Lily and Dahlia Chastagner, Katie Chrysanthus (Herbert)
Cut Flower Crops in Coats, Herbert from Turkey
Western Washington Annie DeBauw,
Hanu R. Pappu
10.15-10.30 An Investigation About Süleyman Kızıl, 10.15-10.30 Introduction of A. Demidov,
Economically Important Fetullah Tekin Ornamental Plants in the S. Potapova
Bulbous Plants Found in Khalid M. Khawar, Main Botanical Garden
Southeastern and East Sevil Sağlam, Named After N.V. Tsitsin
Anatolia Regions A.Selçuk Ertekin, RAS
Neşet Arslan
10.30-10.45 Studies On Duygu Sevim 10.30-10.45 Developing a Successful Mark Bridgen
Anticholinesterase And Alstroemeria Breeding
Dpph Radical Scavenging Program - 25 Years of
Effects Of 45 Species Of Plant Collection and
Iris L. Genus Of Turkish Interspecific
Origin Hydridization
10.45-11.05 Discussion 10.45-11.05 Discussion
11.05-11.35 Refreshment Break Refreshment Break
11.35-13.00 Closing Sessions and Evaluation
13.00-14.00 Lunch Break 13.00-14.00 Lunch Break
14.00-19.00 Flower Growers Conference Tour (Free of Charge)
DAY 5 - April 1st, 2012
08.30-19.00 Akseki, İbradı & Altınbeşik Cave Post Conference Tour (Free of Charge)
2012 年工作总结及 2013 年工作计划
一、2012 年工作总结
二、2013 年工作计划
1、筹备福建\上海中国球根花卉 2013 年会;
中国球根花卉 2013 年会第一轮通知
国球根花卉2013 年会”。本次年会将于会前编印论文摘要集,会后再酌情出版《中
国球根花卉研究进展 2013》(第 8 集)。为了提高学术交流和论文集的质量,本
主任委员: 穆 鼎 胡永红
副 主 委: 夏宜平 义鸣放
委员(音序): 贾桂霞 胡永红 刘青林 明 军 穆 鼎
施季森 孙红梅 汤青川 王继华 夏宜平
义鸣放 原雅玲 张延龙 赵祥云 周 迪
摘要不少于300 字,应包括题目、作者、作者简介(页脚)、单位、通讯地
名重复),最多不超过1000 字(每篇A4 版面1 页),采用Word2003 或2007 版
截稿日期:2013 年3 月20 日
电话: 0571-88982391,13605719130
2013 年2 月1 日
2013 年 3 月 1 日星期五下午 14:00 到 16:00,中国园艺学会球根花卉分会在
会议首先研究了 2013 年会的办会方案。就会议主题、承办单位、议程、专
与球(宿)根花卉密切相关。优秀报告限于 40 岁以下的青年科技工作者和研究
花卉分会章程》,第二届理事会任期已满四年(2009 年杭州年会至 2013 年上海
会议还讨论了 2014 年在福建召开的第 3 届国际百合研讨会和 2016 年在昆明
召开的第 12 届国际球根与多年生花卉学术研讨会的有关事宜。前者虽然不是分
会期暂定于 4 月 14 日—17 日。会期 4 天,其中报到 1 天、会议交流 1.5 天、
(日) 晚上 20:00-22:00 二届四次理事会暨预备会议 穆 鼎
第 2 单元 特邀报告(3 人,每人 35 分钟) 暂定: 义鸣放
14:00-15:45 (8—10 人,每人 10-15 分钟)
16:00-17:30 (6—8 人,每人 10-15 分钟)
(二) 08:30-10:00 (8—10 人,每人 10-15 分钟)
10:15-12:00 (6—8 人,每人 10-15 分钟)
晚上 20:00-22:00 第三届会员代表大会、颁奖暨三届一次
4.17 全天 08:30-18:00 上海鲜花港和(或)崇明岛 顾俊杰
(3)论文代表:减免 100 元/人(限第一作者和通讯作者)
由到会常务理事在会上投票评选青年(40 岁含以下)优秀报告 8-10 名(不
院林木果树研究所、苏州农业职业技术学院协办的中国球根花卉 2013 年会定于
2013 年 4 月 14 日——17 日在上海辰山植物园召开。会期 4 天,其中报到 1 天,
会议交流 1.5 天,专业考察 1.5 天(闭会)。本次会议的主题为“球根花卉与生
(日) 晚上 20:00-22:00 二届四次理事会暨预备会议 穆 鼎
第 2 单元 特邀报告(3-4 人,每人 30 分钟)暂定: 义鸣放
14:00-15:45 (8—10 人,每人 10-15 分钟)
16:00-17:30 (6—8 人,每人 10-15 分钟)
(二) 08:30-10:00 (6—8 人,每人 10-15 分钟)
10:15-12:00 (8—10 人,每人 10-15 分钟)
晚上 第7单元 第三届会员代表大会、颁奖暨三届一次理事会 穆 鼎
4.17 全天 08:30-18:00 暂定上海鲜花港、第 15 届中国国际花卉园艺博 周翔宇
(三) 专业考察 览会和上海上房绿化建设有限公司园艺培育基 顾俊杰
1、接站 从上海浦东机场坐地铁 2 号线可直接到达虹桥站。接站地点暂定
2、会议地点:上海辰山植物园科研中心二楼报告厅(临近辰山植物园 3 号
普通代表 1000 元/人,会员代表减免 100 元/人,论文代表减免 100 元/人(限
第一作者和通讯作者,可与会员同时减免),研究生代表 500 元/人(不减免)。
上海大众国际会议中心(辰山植物园旁边),上海市松江区佘天昆路 1515 号。
协议价 260 元左右/标准间·晚,食宿费自理。电话 021-57795555,传真
由到会常务理事在会上投票评选青年(40 岁含以下)优秀报告 8-10 名(不
3、报告人与本回执是同一人。报告题目与PPT 一致;如有变化,请及时告知。
2、为更新通讯录,请大家详细填写,并务必于2013 年4 月1 日前发送到上海辰山植物园会
责 编:李云华(bulbs@126.com;liyunhua@ cau.edu.cn)
网 址:www.flowery.net.cn/bulbs(中国球根花卉网)