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发布时间: 2021-09-16 09:56:31 681次浏览




以石蒜、西红花、朱顶红、百合、马蹄莲、郁金香及玉簪、矾根等花卉为材料,从高效育种关键技术与新种质创制、花期调控与衰老生理研究、组培与繁育关键技术研究、种球发育与退化机理研究、功能基因挖掘与次生代谢产物的合成与调控等五个方向开展工作。8年来累计主持或参加省部级科研项 25项,通过审定和认定新品19个,获授权专11 获上海市科技进步三等1项。团队现有成20人,其中在站博士1人,博12人,硕1人,科研辅助人6人。

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粉玉 墨玉

2. 基地建:


3产业开发Industrial development:


Brief Introduction of Bulb and Perennial Flower Team in Forestry and Pomology Research Institute, Shanghai Institute of Agricultural Sciences

Bulb and perennial flower team, affiliated to Forestry and Pomology Research Institute, Shanghai Institute of Agricultural Sciences, is approved as a technical support team of Shanghai plant seedling tissue culture specialized technical service platform and Shanghai key laboratory of protection horticultural technology (flowers).

1.Research direction:

The team is mainly engaged in the key technologies of the new germplasm creation and industrialization of bulb and perennial flowers including Lycoris radiata, Crocus sativus, Hippeastrum rutilum, Lilium spp., Zantedeschia aethiopica, Tulipa gesneriana, Hosta plantaginea, Heuchera micrantha et al.. The team focuses research on key techniques for efficient breeding of bulbous flowers and creation of new germplasm, flowering regulation and senescence physiology research, key techniques of tissue culture and large-scale breeding, research on bulb development and degradation mechanism, functional gene identification, and secondary metabolites synthesis and regulation. We has hosted or participated in more than 25 scientific research projects in the past 8 years, 19 new varieties have passed through certification and identification, and 11 national invention patent have been licensed. The team has won the third scientific and technological progress award of Shanghai. The research team currently has 20 staff, including 1 postdoctor, 12doctors, 1 master, and 6 research assistants.

2.Base Construction:

The base was located at 886 Xinsheng Road, Baihe Town, Qingpu District, Shanghai and covering 8.318 hectare, the base has germplasm resource nurseries such as Hippeastrum rutilum, Lilium spp., Lycoris radiata, Crocus sativus L., Tulipa gesneriana L. et al.. The base has flower resource preservation area, bulbous flower breeding area, seedling (bulbous) breeding area and flower product test and display area, etc.

3.Industrial development:

New varieties such as Hippeastrum rutilum and Zantedeschia aethiopica have been demonstration and popularization in the Yangtze River Delta region, Honghe in Yunnan Province and Zunyi in Guizhou Province. The bulb breeding techniques of Lycoris radiata, Crocus sativus L. and Lilium spp., have been popularized and applied in Chongming area of Shanghai.

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